The Wraparound Care provision is comprised of the APF Breakfast Club and APF After School Club.
We recognise that parents need, more than ever, to work and to have flexible, affordable childcare arrangements within school which can change on a weekly or daily basis. We can cater for EYFS children through to Year 6.
The Breakfast Club provides children with a healthy and nutritious breakfast, as well as giving children the chance to be physically active before the start of the school day. Research shows that early morning exercise can help children with learning, so APF helps children from Manic Monday through to Frantic Friday by providing active play and games for children to enjoy. Our coaches will ensure children start the day the active way, as well as having fun with their friends!
APF After School Club is an extension of the school day, aimed at supporting working parents, but also to giving children the chance to enjoy physical and mental well-being activities. Every day is different, supported by APF coaches teaching sports and fun physical games to children, mixed with activities designed to help children relax and unwind.
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