

How will my child be grouped?

Your child is grouped with others of a similar age where the maximum age difference of children in a group will generally not be more than three years. We feel that this is important to allow your child to get the best experience at camp, feel safe and build relationships with peers of a similar age. 

On occasions, older children will help out in leading activities with the young children, acting as role models.

4-6 Year olds

With a maximum of 24 children in the group, this age group are looked after by an Early Years Leader who has relevant childcare experience/qualifications, along with two assistants. (The staff ratio for these children is 1:8)

7-14 Year olds

With a maximum of 28 children in the group, this age group are looked after by a Group Leader along with additional Group Support. (The staff ratio for these children is 1:14)

Will my child stay in this group throughout?

Our groupings are organised week by week, so it is unlikely that changes will be made to the groupings within the week. If you're booking for more than one week you may find that your child will be placed in different groups on the different weeks. This is because the age profile of the camp changes week by week. Please don't be alarmed by this as your child will always be in the right age band and therefore with children of a similar age. Please be advised there are no group movements after Monday morning of that week as this can be unsettling for the children.

Can my child be grouped with a particular friend?

As long as both children reciprocate the request and are a similar age (maximum difference 2 years). We can usually accommodate this and appreciate that this may help to alleviate any anxieties or apprehensions. 

SEND children

If your child has Specific Educational Needs, we will devise a support plan for your child and it may be that they have an additional adult to support them during the day. 

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